Climate Action Plan
Climate change, driven by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from activities such as transportation, energy consumption, waste generation, and disposal, impacts the lives of those living in cities.
A Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a study that helps to address this challenging problem faced by urban management, where half of the world's population lives.
The Climate Action Plan aims to identify and establish concrete priority measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to mitigate and adapt to climate change (socially, economically, environmentally, and territorially). The CAP will propose mechanisms and instruments that enable the municipality to implement the established goals, such as achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
The technical cooperation agreement between the City Hall and the World Bank was ratified during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). This partnership enabled the hiring of a technical consultancy formed by WayCarbon, in consortium with ICLEI South America, Ludovino Lopes Advogados, and Ecofinance Negócios, through a grant, which will have the CAP as its final product.
In Porto Alegre, the first step in the quest to control the effects of global warming was the development of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. Based on the document, developed in partnership with WayCarbon, Ecofinance, and ICLEI, it was identified that 67.7% of emissions come from transportation, 23% from stationary sources, and 8.8% from waste.
The development process for the Climate Action Plan (CAP) will take 17 months and consist of three phases: Engagement and Mobilization; Diagnosis; and Design of the Climate Action Plan. Each phase includes related deliverables that, upon completion of this process, will support the voting of the PLAC draft bill in the City Council.
Along with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, the Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (CRVA) and Water Footprint (WF) assessment complete the diagnostic phases for the development of the CAP-POA. Based on these studies, CAP will propose mechanisms and instruments that enable the municipality to implement the established targets, such as reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.
Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis
A study focused on identifying, mapping, quantifying, and analyzing the municipality's risks and vulnerabilities to climate change. This is a participatory process involving a Working Group from the City Hall, key stakeholders (academia, CMDUA, COMAM, and other representatives of civil society), and the general public. It will enable an understanding of the occurrence of past and future climate events, such as storms, meteorological droughts, river flooding, landslides and erosion, heatwaves, and the proliferation of disease vectors.
Water Footprint
A study that establishes an indicator of water use and pollution in Porto Alegre. Three types of Water Footprint (blue, green, and gray) will be evaluated, considering the main processes occurring in the municipality: Agricultural (crop production, pastures, and livestock), Domestic (residential, commercial, and public), and Industrial (manufacturing and mining industries).